Welcome to Last Chance Ranch- we are a small family farm located in Southern California in the City of Murrieta. Whether you are looking for a dairy goat, a show quality dairy goat, a pet goat, or a bottle baby goat - we got you covered. All of our goats are ADGA registered and come from great dairy genetics. Our herd is tested yearly for Johne's CAE and CL. Some of our goats have designated superior genetics in their pedigrees, as well as Grand Champions in the show world. Our baby goats are all raised on a bottle, so they are extremely friendly which makes life easier for you, and them. Being raised on a bottle also ensures that when they go home with you, they will bond with you while you feed them their bottles. Nigerian Dwarfs are fun goats full of unique personalities. They make wonderful pets, and they make the creamiest delicious milk. Nigerian Dwarf goats' milk has the highest butterfat content of any other goat, making it not only great for everyday drinking but also perfect for making cheese, soaps, lotions, ice cream, and so much more!
Want to Reserve one of our Goats for sale?
Don't wait around, they go fast. Please fill out a form on our site to reserve your goat today!